Blizzard on the 12th of July
I was off in my own little world. It was the third straight day of blistering temperatures and I was done. I was hot…my clothes were sticking to me…I couldn’t remember the last time that I could breathe comfortably. The heat coming up from the asphalt as I walked across…
The Eye of the Storm
We all have storms…it’s part of being human in a fallen world . We can work to avoid having them, but in the end there are so many things outside our ability to control that its impossible to be rid of them entirely. The overbearing boss, the contentious co-worker, the…
Finding peace in the emergency room
Here I sit in the emergency room of Blessing Hospital. I’m surrounded by people who are frightened…or sad…or hurting. You hear conversations in the waiting room that you wish you hadn’t heard. You watch as the difficulties of life are played out in the corners of the seating areas. You…
You are Loved
God’s love is not just a feeling that we are supposed to “muster” up. His love is based on His character and promise to be with us. It gives us the substance of God’s commitment to us, amidst our own path of life, to assure us of His goodwill and…
I am His and He is mine
I am thrilled today to know that I am a Child of the King! I am His and He is mine. His banner over me is LOVE! As a loving Father, He gives me what is best for me. He doesn’t always let me have only good things so that…