Two speakers, Ryan Cox and Matt Miles, from Creation Truth Foundation are coming to western Illinois for a three day event to teach us what the Bible has to say about dinosaurs. The Mobile Museum of Earth History will be set up for exploration from before and after each presentation. The Museum contains full sized dinosaur skeletons. Dinosaurs were created by God and existed alongside humanity. Here are the times and topics o be having a three day eventwill be here (along with their fossil collection)
Sunday (July 30) – 10 am: Starting point – Having a Biblical World View
Sunday (July 30) – 6 pm: Dinosaurs in the Movies
Monday (July 31) – 6 pm: Dinosaurs in Science
Tuesday (August 1) – 6 pm: Dinosaurs in History
Wednesday (August 2) – 5:30 – 8 pm Family fun night at the Jaycee Park in Carthage…there will be hamburgers, hotdogs and sides as well as swimming at the Carthage pool!
This entire event is free of charge. A free will offering will be taken each night to help support the creation truth foundation ministry!